As a spiritual director, Sharon is passionate about providing opportunities for people to encounter God and travel deeper into his heart. She has traveled internationally to lead both women's and co-ed events. Sharon and Jack, who co-pastored together for many years, also lead co-ed retreats around a variety of themes, both online and in-person. If you're looking for a way to slow down and be refreshed with others, we hope you'll join us on retreat. Retreats sponsored by Abiding Way Ministries are offered at a discounted rate to Abiding Way Patreon supporters. For more information, click here:
Use the Contact page to send your questions or check for availability.
Jesus says, "As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you. Now abide in my love." (John 15:9) What does it mean to know ourselves as God's beloved? How do we practice abiding in love? Sharon weaves her own story of growing in confidence in God's love as she teaches spiritual disciplines that help us receive, remain in, and respond to the uncontainable love of God in Christ.
Jesus' thought-provoking question to the disciples is worth our prayerful and honest consideration. Though we may know the "right answers" about who God is, our images of God can be distorted in ways we may not be aware of. Come explore how images of God can be restored and transformed in ways that transform us as well.
Based on Jesus' invitation in John 1:39, this retreat focuses on "beholding" the presence of God through meditating on Scripture and through contemplative practices of prayer, including praying with imagination and "visio divina" with art by Vincent van Gogh.
Jesus says, "Come to me, all you who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest." Come away for a day to slow down and practice disciplines that help us keep in step with the unhurried rhythm of Jesus. Practices include breath prayer, lectio divina, Sabbath, and silence.
Ignore. Stuff. Deny. Minimize. We have many strategies for keeping our sorrow contained so that it never becomes an offering to God. God not only gives us permission to lament, but also gives words to help us protest our pain. How do we keep company with Jesus in the midst of our disappointments and suffering? Explore spiritual practices that help us return to the love of God when we, like Jesus, experience God's hiddenness.
Do you ever find yourself living behind a mask, bound by fear? Are you longing to experience intimacy with God and others but not sure how to let go of your defenses? Sharon addresses common struggles like people-pleasing, perfectionism, and shame by offering practices that help us live in authentic community with God and others.
A five-session online retreat based on the content presented in Sensible Shoes. In addition to receiving teaching from Sharon about a spiritual discipline, participants will have extended time for silent reflection and prayerful practice.